
Your FREE Drug Interactions Checker

MedCheck is a totally free service provided by UberID for you and your family. Our goal is really simple - to enable our users with the resources to check any combination of drugs or pharmaceuticals which could be in conflict and a matter to discuss with your physician(s). 


It's free & NO data is retained

We are making MedCheck available totally free to anyone who wants to use it.

Enter as many different medications as you need and they results will be displayed.

No medication data you enter into MedCheck is retained on the system. All information is deleted after each check.



instant & emailed results

If interactions are found, then the results will be shown on screen.

The findings of the search can also be emailed to you.

If drug-interactions are indicated, we strongly urge you to make an appointment with your physician(s) and get their opinion.

MedCheck is a way to check, stop and qualify what you are putting into your body.

This is especially important if you are getting prescriptions from multiple doctors or specialists and you have not disclosed all medications you may be taking. 




Member Medication Notes

UberID MyHealth Members are not required to re-type any information after MedCheck has been authorized to retrieve the medications.

If interactions have been indicated Member's have the opportunity for MedCheck to append results to their MyHealth account. Any imported medications are then removed from MedCheck.

Members can use 'My Reports' to create documents to discuss with physicians and medical professionals.  



DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein should NOT be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. The information provided here is for informational purposes only. This tool may not cover all possible drug interactions. Please check with a physician if you have health questions or concerns. Although we attempt to provide accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee is made to that effect.